Tomatoes, Tomatoes,Tomatoes
The tomatoes at both gardens are coming in like gangbusters! The critters seem to have stopped chomping on them, and so I have been waiting until they are perfectly ripe to eat the same day. OK, sometimes I eat a few cherry tomatoes while I am picking them! And I go back the next day and there are even more to enjoy. They are like eating sunshine! My gardening buddy from Elmhurst stopped by for a quick visit, and we had bruschetta and then picked some tomatoes for her to enjoy at home. She recently moved and so her garden is taking a little longer to produce, but she has a green thumb and soon her garden will be exploding with goodness I am sure. If you come visit me, I will give you some too!
It is also time to can grandma’s soup! I will can soup several times between now and the end of September. I usually can the equivalent of about 15 quarts. I can a mixture of quarts, pints and half pints depending on how much soup I make at one time. This way I can use the appropriate canned amount depending on how many people are eating soup; waste not want not! I can’t give you the recipe (it is a Gundrum family secret from the farm which is now four generations old). But because I have 153 tomato plants between both gardens (yes, you read this correctly!), I anticipate canning ALOT of tomato based foods. I should even have enough tomatoes to can some new things too. Fingers crossed! I canned 7 pints of soup the other day.
I hope you are enjoying the lovely weather, your garden, your tomatoes and other produce. I hope this post inspires you to use (and share) each thing you grow. Please also visit your local farmer’s market (or better yet in my opinion) farm stands on the side of the road (take a drive through rural America to find some) to help support the people who love the land as much as you do. You can never eat enough vegetables. Hope to see you all soon!